Revolutions: they change the world and they can create and destroy entire nations or societies.
March marks Women’s History Month, which is a whole month to celebrate the specific achievements made by women throughout history, but these accomplishments can be highlighted throughout curricula all school year long! While there are many historical contributions of women that teachers can highlight, consider taking a multi-disciplinary approach and celebrate women in science.
As an effort to support our Social Studies School Service community of administrators and educators, we are now providing reflections from our webinars.
The Holocaust was a genocide perpetrated by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party where over 12 million people (Jewish and non-Jewish) were killed, and millions more were forced into hiding.
George Washington Carver (c.
Black History Month provides an opportunity for classrooms to celebrate the rich contributions of African Americans throughout history.
Social studies combines a lot of different topics in a variety of content areas.
World War I is complicated.
The National Center for Educational Statistics, or the “Nation’s Report Card,” released the most recent test results for History and Civics.
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